Thursday, October 18

Book worms unite!

1) What book are you reading right now? 
- I'm currently reading "Pretties" by Scott Westerfeld.
2 )What will you read next? 
- "Specials", which is the next book in the series.
3) What was your favourite childhood book? 
- I remember loving when my mum read "The Brothers Lionheart" written by Astrid Lindgren. I loved a lot of H.C Andersen's work too. Oh, and there was a book called Marmelade Amalie! I think I loved it simply because it had my name on it.
4) What were your reading habits like as a kid? 
- I mostly read when I was sad (which was a lot), but I was ashamed of liking to read, so I was kind of hiding my love for books.
5) How many books do you have checked out from the library?
- None right now! I have enough books here at home to keep me going for now :-D
6) What books do you have on hold at the library?  
- None!
7) Do you have a bad book habit? 
- I used to bend the corner on pages so I could remember where I got to, but then I finally bought a bunch of book marks!
8) Do you read one book at a time or several?
- Always one at the time. I get so confused having cracked open a few books at the same time. I also like to stick to a series, like read all the books in order, if I'm able to get all the books.
9) What is your favourite book you’ve read this year?
- It's a tie between Forever by Maggie Stiefvater and Delirium by Lauren Oliver! I absolutely adore the Wolves of Mercy Falls series, it reminds me of a love of mine, but Delirium also made me skip a heart beat and I got so into it!
10) What is your least favourite book you’ve read this year?
- Hmm.. So far Pretties is not impressing me. But else, I'm normally good at picking out books. And to be honest, I can't really remember what books I've read this year.
11) What is your reading comfort zone?
- Young Adult books, romantics, fairy tales.
12) How often do you read outside of your comfort zone?
- Not very often I must admit. I know I should reach out, but yet I'm stuck in my little fairy tale land.
13) What is your favourite place to read?
- On train stations, cafés, my boyfriend's nan's place. Frankly I can't go to the last mentioned place again and read.
14) Do you lend out books?
- Only to very special people. My mum and boyfriend are currently the only ones who are allowed to touch them.
15) Do you dog-ear books?
- That's the name of it! No, not any more!
16) Do you write in the margins of books?
- I recently started to write the year and season I bought the book. But else I don't like to mess them up.
17) What makes you love a book?
- As superficial as it sounds, the cover. If I like the cover, and fall in love with the story, I will treasure the book with my heart.
18) What will inspire you to recommend a book?
- If it makes me want to spend my entire day reading it, it's a recommendation worth.
19) What is the one book you will always recommend to everyone?
- That's a harsh one.. I don't know. I don't really like to recommend books to people. I will happily tell them which I enjoy, inspire them, but yeah. I guess the Harry Potter series, it's always a good read. Even though I've only read the first three books (Whoopsie!)
20) Is there a book you love that nobody else seems to?
- Well I know a lot of people love Twilight, but most people seem to bash it. I freaking adore those books. I don't care what people say, I love the books. The film versions are a bit bleh, but I absolutely love the books.
21) Do you read while you are: eating? Taking a bath? Watching TV? Listening to music? On the computer? On the bus?
- I do sometimes eat while reading, which I need to stop because I smear the food on my precious book, haha. I don't ever take baths. Sometimes the TV is in the background while I read, so yes I guess. 90% of the time when I'm reading, I'm also listening to music. I rarely am on the computer while I read. And I don't like reading while being in any kind of vehicle because I get extremely car sick.
22) What is your favourite genre to read?
- As I said earlier, anything in the young adult section, romance and fairy tales.
23) What genre do you rarely read but wish you read more of?
- I actually like horror and crimes. But I rarely take the time to find good books in those genres and read them.
24) What is your favourite biography?
- I don't read biographies, sorry.
25) What is your favourite non-fiction?
- This is like making a mother choose her favourite child!
26) Have you ever read a self-help book?
- Nope.
27) What is your favourite reading snack?
- Carrots or any kind of Cadbury chocolate. Unfortunately I cannot get Cadbury chocolate in Denmark. Sigh :'(
28) What is the most inspirational book you've read?
- "Glaspigen" (The glass girl) by Karin Dyhr and Marianne Holmen. It's about a girl who's after years of being in a family with an abusive dad goes down with a depression and develop self destructive behaviour. It gets pretty close, but it's really good. Unfortunately I think it's only in Danish.
29) Are there any books that have been ruined for you by all the hype?
- Not yet, but I'm a bit scared to read The Hunger Games. I have two of the books sitting in my bookcase, and I'm a bit.. meh.. about starting them once I finish the Uglies series.
30) How often do you agree with critics about a book?
- No, I need to read it myself before I can agree or disagree with anything.
31) How do you feel about giving negative reviews?
- It's harsh, but I have an opinion, and if a book disappointed me, I will speak out loud about it.
32) What book are you most intimidated to begin?
- As I just said, The Hunger Games.
33) What book are you most likely to take on vacation with you?
- Depends on what I'm currently reading!
34) What is the longest you’ve gone without reading?
- Uhm.. I would say... 3-4 months.
35) What is a book that you just couldn’t finish?
- I always finish books. It took me a good year to finish "Forever" by Maggie Stiefvater though.
36) What is the most money you’ve spent on books at one time?
- Uhm.. Maybe... £25-£30.
37) How often do you skim through a book before reading it?
- I don't skim through a book, but I always read the last page.
38) Do you keep books or give them away once you’ve read them?
- Keep them. Mine!!!
39) Are there any books you’ve been avoiding, or refuse to read?
- I really don't like non-fictional books. Or biographies. Maybe I've never given them a chance, but just the though bores me.
40) What is a book you didn’t expect to like, but did?
- "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson. I had to read it for a school project and I actually enjoyed it.
41) What is your favourite guilt-free pleasure reading?
- I haven't got a clue.
42) What reading materials are in your bathroom right now?
- None. Does the back of shampoo bottles count?
43) What book do you most remember reading for school?
- A book called "7.a" by Bjarne Reuter. It was a really really strange book. And "Min ven Thomas" (My friend Thomas) by Kirsten Holst. Both are Danish writers.
44) What is the last book you couldn’t put down before finishing it?
- "Uglies" by Scott Westerfeld.
45) What book is physically closest to you right now?
- "Nightshade - Bloodrose" by Andrea Cremer.
46) What is your favourite book series?
- I cannot answer this question without bashing any of my babies.
47) What’s the longest book you’ve ever read? Shortest?
- Hmm.. I think it was the "Breaking Dawn" by Stephenie Meyer. And the shortest.. Some kind of children's book.
48) Who is your favourite book character?
- Cannot choose. Sorry.
49) Who is your favourite author?
- Again, I can't do it!!!
50) What is your favourite book?
- Oh no you didn't.

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