Monday, February 8

Owner and dog alike?

We've all heard about dogs looking like their owners, right? Well, let's see if it's true....

- We're both fuzzy
- We both like to kiss
- And to get a lot of attention, APPRECIATE OUR CUTENESS!!!
- Food is our favourite thing (especially chicken)
- it tastes best when it's not your own ;-)
- Sleep is always the answer
- And we will fight to get the entire duvet to ourselves

- We both get excited when seeing other dogs
- We also get excited about boxes
- I just prefer what comes in them, Lui likes to tear up the boxes
- Plushies are ALWAYS a good idea
- Baths however, are NOT a good idea
- Means getting wet and having to brush hair/fur
- We both nap with our mouths open
- And just sleep in weird positions

- Presents are very very very exciting
- Playing in the rain is a must
- I just don't appreciate muddy paws on the white sheets as much as Booboo boy does

I see absolutely no similarities......