Saturday, September 20

How to deal with periods

If you're between 10 - 55* years old and have a uterus, chances are you have your period. So congratulation, you're in hell like a lot of other fucking people once a month - or if you're one of the people who have irregular periods, whenever it feels like bleeding then. Here's how probably not exactly how to deal with it but who the fuck cares, you're fucking bleeding from your hoohaa hole.

*I know some people start earlier and finish later, but it's an estimate

  • Wear comfortable clothes. Bless you if you feel comfortable in tight jeans during your period, you're a strong person, but I cannot take anything that sits even somewhat tight on the lower half of my body. I need to be free as the wind since I'm jailed to wear granny panties so I don't bleed all over the place
  • It's okay to comfort eat. If you crave some chocolate, it's okay to have a bit. If you crave broccoli, go for it! If you crave hummus and cheese strings, woo, go you! It's perfectly fine, and don't feel bad afterwards. A little bit doesn't hurt, and to be honest, food is your best friend, especially during this time
  • Heating pads/blankets and loads of sleep is good if you're like me and suffer from insane cramps. Or in general to be honest. I also find muscle pain relievers (NOT those targeted towards "periods", they don't work that great I've found) work wonders for when my cramps are unbearably bad.
  • It's okay to be an emotional wreck. Don't let anyone tell you it's bad if you're moody. It's only natural. I mean, your insides might feel like they're being shredded apart, hormones are racing through your poor head and body and your sacred temple is leaking, of course you can experience mood swings and be a bit emotional. And it's fine. It should be legal to hit people with trucks when they complain about our moodiness.
  • A bit of exercise can actually lift your mood and help the cramps calm down. I am by no means good at exercising on a regular basis, but I find walking and these exercises, which I found online, help calm both myself and my cramps down.
  • Don't be embarrassed about your period. I'm pretty sure we've all been there, having to buy pads or tampons and then there's a cute cashier by the till and you want to die inside. But remind yourself, you're a fucking beast for living through this so many times during your life!
  • Use what works for you. When I was younger I felt very pressured to use tampons, because "it was the most normal". Tampons were never comfortable for me, no matter how much I tried. But in the end I realised pads were the only way for me, and that is okay. If you're a tampon user, woo! If you're a pad user, yay! If you're a menstrual cup user, weehoo! Or if you don't really care what you use, YAY TO YOU TOO!
  • Give yourself space. If you have really bad days, give yourself the right to just hide away. No need to push yourself to do things you don't want to - which also applies to every day life. I can have very bad days where everything is too much, and it's fine. Cancel other plans after work or school and give yourself space.
  • Self pampering is a must! Foot bath, manicures/pedicures, hair mask, a good body scrub, a nice relaxing and well smelling bath, anything to make you feel awesome about yourself during this period. (Hehe, period, because we're talking about periods which can also be periods of time but also the bleeding thing hehehe okay no I'm sorry I'll stop)

And lastly. Do not fall for the "Have a happy period, always", because this ain't a fucking happy time, I do not know a single person who look forward to their period (well some might) So you go bleed, be a beast and fight through this bloody time!

Friday, September 12

1 month Lui update - because who doesn't love a good portion of Lui?

Officially the longest title I've ever used on my blog.
But I just wanted to talk about how the first month with Lui has been. He quickly settled in, spend a few days keep searching for his old family by the fence and reacted whenever children were crying or playing (he came from a home with two kids under 3, and I live in an area with loads of children), which was kind of sad. But within the first week he quickly understood this was his forever home.

He only had accidents the first two weeks really, he slowly learnt to let me know when he needed to go out. We had 1½ shit weeks where he kept needing to go out during the night, but he's sleeping through the nights now which I'm thankful for.

 I got him a harness, I've always been a supporter of harnesses so he doesn't get his neck damaged, and he HATED it the first day. I put it on him and we went on a walk, and he would flop over in protest. It wasn't because it was tight, I made sure it was a little more loose than it's supposed to so it wouldn't be too uncomfortable. But he just plain refused to walk for bit. He still hates getting it on, but he knows it means walks so everything's fine.

What else. He sometimes sleeps at night in my bed and sometimes doesn't. I meant to not allow him in bed at night but after 2 weeks of having 30 minutes fights with him at 4 in the morning, I was a bad mother and gave in. He still loves his crate, I've put a blanket over it because he loves sleeping in dark places, but sometimes he just wants to sleep on the spare duvet at the end of the bed. Will be fun when Sean comes to visit and they have to fight for space, hihi.

His left ear is still up and his right ear is still down. I hope so much it stays like this because it's bloody adorable. He's starting to lift his leg when he pees, and it's not always successful, which gives me a good laugh when we go for walks. He tends to try and lift it up but then loses balance, it's the greatest thing ever!¨

Last Saturday I received his registration papers and got them filled in and send off. Normally it takes 3 weeks to get the papers back again, but it makes it feel so much more real, he'll be registered under my name!! My puppy!!!!

I think that's all to be honest. Maybe some tmi with the pee leg but he's adorable and I'll want to look back at in when he's 10 years old and a grumpy old dog. Hope you find him just as lovely and adorable as I do :-D

Friday, September 5

If I had money - eBay edition

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5

The need to shop is great in this one. But I need to be all ~adulty~ and think of spending money on ~adult~ things like paying rent, paying for food, buying things and food for Lui and what not. But a girl can dream! And I've been fond of browsing eBay lately.