Saturday, February 15

Oh Valentine's day

Warning: I haven't posted in 6 days because I've had an emotionally crappy week so this post isn't going to be sweet, positive or funny. Maybe funny, but else, don't read if you're going to get offended.

I find it beyond amusing how people can take this day seriously. And I'm not just saying that because I do have a significant other. It's because people seem to kick themselves in the butt for not being in a relationship, as if it's the only thing you can do with your life.

Sean didn't send me flowers or chocolate all the way from England (even though chocolate would be nice), and I honestly didn't care - and I didn't send anything either. I'm a hopeless romantic, I'm all for gazing into each others eyes and cooking him a nice breakfast on a rainy morning. But it puts me off that Valentine's day is mostly used as an excuse for lazy lovers to show they somewhat care.

I don't like the expectations people get for each other. Where's the surprise in it all? What's fun in being pressured to do something really thoughtful just because others do it? I would much rather save that for a bad day. On a shitty stormy Wednesday after a bad day at work, come home to a home cooked meal (OR PIZZA), candle light and a wonderful boyfriend who'll happily snuggle up with you on the floor while you watch horrible comedies on telly. You don't need a set date for it.

Send them flowers when you think they've had a rough time. Send a letter out of the blue. Give them chocolate or other treats they like when you think they could need a boost. These things will be things they'll remember more. Because you could feel they needed to.

Also, "them" isn't just a boyfriend/girlfriend/husband/wife. It's your best friend, you grandma, your mum, your dad, your dog or cat or any pet. Anyone close. Please remember to treat them other days too. They'll appreciate it so much more than on a set date. Unless it happens to be their birthday too, but you get what I mean.

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