Monday, May 12

Eurovision 2014

I'm a huge fan of Eurovision. Have been for as long as I remember. Since I first met Sean, it's been a tradition we kind of have a "Eurovision date", because it's the only time a year we can watch the same stuff on telly. And this year was no disappointment.

Denmark hosted it, after last year's victory with Only Teardrops. And of course when it's us hosting it gets a tiny bit weird. Dancing old ladies, scaring children with hard rock, loads of food presents. But it was actually a beautiful show. I loved how they made the flags, so creative.

But let's put that aside and talk about this year's winner. Conchita Wurst. A drag with a huge queen attached to it. I am in love with this woman. And I actually really like the song, which I don't often do for the winners. But I don't think people understand how important this win was.

It's a win for the LGBT community. It's most of Europe's countries showing we support this fabulous queen. It's a fuck you to Russia and other countries with disgusting views on people, totally normal people, who deserves just as many rights and wins as everyone else. Because we're all human. And her sincere happiness and surprise was worth it.

But it also disgusts me how people cannot be happy for someone. If it was anyone else, there would be no questions for the win. Sure some people would be annoyed because it's a thing us Europeans are very passionate about. But we still live in a world where being a different kind of normal is "disgusting", "silly" or "shouldn't be allowed in the public". And to you people, go fuck yourself. Conchita won, a deserved win, so haha on you.

I had a lot of favourites this year. I loved Austria, The Netherlands, Norway, Latvia, Switzerland, Finland and Iceland. Unfortunately Latvia didn't make it past semi finals, which is a shame. But I guess they didn't have a cake to bake! But somehow a song about not being someone's sweet cheesecake made it. I think it was the Robin Thicke look he had.

But all in all, I enjoyed this year's Eurovision. Sean and I celebrated Conchita's win with a plane ticket for setting off our summer together! The 14th of June at 10:10 he'll be on Danish land. And I am beyond excited and I really needed this little boost of happiness.

Who was your favourites this year?

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