Thursday, January 8

4 things I hate about living at home

1. If I keep my food outside my room, someone else will eat it

Unfortunately no one in the house are allergic to things I like. And if I keep anything in the fridge or freezer without a giant "FUCK OFF IT'S MINE!" stuck to it, it'll most likely get eaten - and it ain't by me! Sometimes it's fine, I leave stuff out there on purpose so my mum and brother can enjoy it too. But I've also way too often been excited about this amazing ice cream I bought a bit ago and it's been a rough day, I'm in a bad mood, I go to the freezer and........
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2. My mum doesn't entirely agree with my interior decorating ideas

In the past few years I've been having wet dreams about decorating rooms. Okay maybe not wet dreams, but it's become a huge interest of mine. But my mother doesn't always agree with my taste. I never touch her furniture, but her knick knacks can sometimes be all over the place and disorganised. Basically we have a silent war with where the tea light holders and the horrible gnome of hers should be placed. She just doesn't understand my interior senses....
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3. Where the heck is my shampoo? A tale of losing things magically in the bathroom

This is kind of like the food situation, but at least with the food I can tell who took my delicious food. I know my family well enough to point out 
who ate my bread and who took my ice cream. But if I keep ANYTHING in the bathroom, it's impossible to tell who used all my shampoo or toothpaste. So I can't even yell at them for using my things. And then I end up in the shower with shampoo, conditioner or body wash....

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4. Karaoke evenings are limited

I like to sing. And I like to sing loudly, badly, beautifully and for a long time. But I also don't want to pester my family with my superstar potential, so every time both are out of the house, I rush to Youtube, find my songs and blast out. But it's also happened I was really into a song and suddenly someone comes home and I have to act cool. Not fun. Okay, maybe a teeny bit, but I really can't wait to pester Sean with it all the time when we get a flat!

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