Sunday, August 18

Sunday treat: Brownie cups

Seanie and I was feeling a tiny bit sweet toothy, and having a lazy day it wouldn't include going down to town and pick up something sweet, so we decided to take matters into our own hands and bake! They are super delicious, super easy and so quick to make. Note: Makes around 12 brownie cups.

You will need:
100 grams of butter
300 grams of sugar
150 grams of flour
2 eggs
4 tablespoons of cacao powder
1½ teaspoon of vanilla (we used vanilla sugar)
A pinch of salt
Cupcake liners
Optional: Your favourite kind of nuts, chocolate chips

How to do it:

- Turn on your oven to 175 Celsius.
- Melt the butter and leave it to cool.
- Add eggs and sugar into a bowl and mix (by hand or with a hand-mixer) until it's combined.
- Sift flour, cacao powder, vanilla and salt into the egg and sugar mixture, add the melted butter.
Tip: If you're adding chocolate chips or nuts, mix a bit of the flour with the chips/nuts so they won't sink to the bottom when baking.
- Whisk until the dry ingredients aren't visible. If you mix any longer the batter will get hard like bread.
- Line a cupcake tin (or whatever you have on hand) with the liners and distribute the batter evenly.
- Cooking time depends on your oven. Ours took 20 mins. First we get the timer on 10 minutes, and then we checked every 5 minutes. When you can stick a toothpick in the middle and it comes out clean they are done!
Tip: It's good to undercook them a tiny bit, it gives a very gooey texture to the brownie.

For extra fancy dancy look, dust some powdered sugar ontop and you're done! 

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