Sunday, November 10

DIY: Crystal necklace

You'll need:

Metal thread, crystals (with holes in), a chain, pair of scissors, super glue and a.. jewellery.. thing..

How you do it:

Cut chain to desired length

Cut a piece of metal thread, rather cut it too long than too short!

Add chain to the thread

Make a loop around the chain to secure it

Tighten it

Cut off excess thread and put into the crystal and add a drop of super glue. Repeat on the other side!

Final product:

If you're giving this as a present, find a cute box, put some kind of lining in and bam! Looks very pretty and they will be shocked when you say you made it yourself

I love crystal necklaces and it's super easy to make! Christmas is around the corner, it makes an adorable present. And who doesn't love a home made present? It's personal and you spend time doing it! So I hope you can use this little quick DIY. I had fun making it!

Where to get crystals: Ebay, I got mine from this seller. Else markets, craft shops.

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