Christmas is the time for family, friends, love and...
Christmas shopping.
Christmas shopping.
We all know how frustrating Christmas shopping can be. You don't always get a list of things the person you're shopping for want, and you just sit there and spend the afternoon thinking "What do you want from me?!". Well, I'm here to help you! I've made three different posts. One for men, one for women, and one for both. This is dedicated to the handsome hunk in your life that deserve some cool stuff this Christmas!
- A game.If the man in your life is a typical gamer, a game will be a perfect gift. Now, what game should you get him? Look at what he's into.
First person shooter guy? Then I would recommend Black Ops 2 which just recently came out. It is available for most consoles out there. (PS3, PC, Xbox)

Racer guy? I personally have a boyfriend who is obsessed with racing games. To be more specific, Formula One games. Every year Formula release a game, so I would say go for F1 2012 if he is into that. Need for Speed is also a racing game which most guys with a car obsession seem to like to play. The newest one to the collection is Need for Speed - Most Wanted. Again, these games are available to most consoles.

It is really up to what your guy is into. Grand Theft Auto is also a good game series for the man in your life. It's a mixture of shooting, racing, and a bunch of other stuff I personally do not have a clue what is about. Sports games could also be a thing! So get a sneak peak at the guy's current collection and look into what is new on the marked.
Game console giftcards:
PSN (PS Network for PS3) and Xbox sell giftcards for their online stores. Some games are only sold on those stores that connect to the console, so a giftcard for there could be an idea.
There is also a game network on the PC called "Steam" that has games you can purchase and gift to people. But for that you need to set up an account, and then gift it to the person you want it to. Game consoles:
If you want to go all the way, you could go for a PS3, Xbox, Nintendo Wii and what else is out there. There is also handheld consoles, such as Nintende DS, PS Vita and Gameboy Advance.
NOTE! This could also be a gift for girls, but I put it in men to be really annoyingly generalising. (Not really)
- Cologne/Perfume.
Cologne/perfume is like games. Really personal and depends on what he likes. Look into his collection (if he has one) or if it's a husband/boyfriend you need one for, go for what YOU would like him to smell like. Or maybe just ask into what brands he likes. I personally like Ralph Lauren and Hugo Boss for men.
For Christmas, most shops who sell colognes and perfumes make gift sets with a deodorant and the cologne/perfume or body wash/lotion. So it could be worth looking into that.

It is a box with bunch of samples of fragrances for men AND he can get to pick out his favourite of them and get a full size.
- Self care for men.
In a time where men want to look good too, it could be good to give them some skin treatment, body care or hair care. Again, drug stores and departments stores do gift sets around Christmas time, so it's just looking into what they could need. I see gift sets for men with dry skin, acne, hair care for brittle and dry hair, shaving creams, aftershaves and what not! (Both of the pictures found on the Danish drugstore "Matas" website)

- Computer/phone gadgets.
You would be surprised of how many strange, yet entertaining, things you can find on the internet. And any guy likes his toys. Here's some examples:

(12 port USB, Darth Vader molds, USB cup warmer, humping dog USB port, boob/bum mouse mat, iPhone helicopter - found on
- Fashion?!
Fun socks, a knitted scarf, gloves, anything for this season would do - if he's into it. The general thing with buying presents is to know them and try and guess what they would like. It's hard, I know! But if you know them well, you'll know when it's right. But here's some things I think every guy could make a use of:

(iPhone friendly gloves, Mr. Funny underwear, Family Guy socks and knitted scarf were found on
You could also customise a shirt or hoodie!

(Pssst, if you live in England is a really good website for this)
- Music, music, music.
Is he the type of guy who always blast out music at every waken minute? (*cough* That's my brother) A great present would be anything that fits with his music taste.
- Is he just a listener? Get him some CDs from his favourite bands, I've also hear records are getting back!
- Is he a player (As in instrument player, I know what you thought there!)? Get him some gear for his guitar/bass/drums/flute/whatever instrument he plays. When I was on Odder, some of my friends gave a guy who was into guitar a pick puncher, it's pretty awesome! Or what about a Synthesizer? (Guitar pick presser found on and the Synthesizer found on )

You could also go with one of those guitar hero inspired games!
- Film obsessed.
Do you know that guy who is always watching films and can all the titles of these random films no one has ever heard about? Or he just really like an evening spend with a film and some good food?
Get or make a "Film for two" card! And get some good snacks, and then you can find a day to stuff your faces while watching a film - OF HIS CHOICE!
Or get a bunch of films you think he'll like. If he's one of those who'll watch anything, this will be perfect. Nothing as good as a stack of random films!
- Random things.
Something fun for boys ;-)

Lightsaber for the Star Wars loving guy.
Beer opener ring.
Magnetic wristband for the handy man.
Star Wars molds! All found on
- The boring stuff.
If you're totally lost, you cannot go wrong with a gift card to a store he likes. Some money to just spend on whatever along with a basket of some chocolate and some beer or whine, and he should be good!
And I think that was all I could think about! I hope this helped you a tiny bit. If not.. Sorry, but men are hard to shop for ;-)!
Be sure to check out the two other parts in my little gift guide series ❅
First person shooter guy? Then I would recommend Black Ops 2 which just recently came out. It is available for most consoles out there. (PS3, PC, Xbox)

Racer guy? I personally have a boyfriend who is obsessed with racing games. To be more specific, Formula One games. Every year Formula release a game, so I would say go for F1 2012 if he is into that. Need for Speed is also a racing game which most guys with a car obsession seem to like to play. The newest one to the collection is Need for Speed - Most Wanted. Again, these games are available to most consoles.

It is really up to what your guy is into. Grand Theft Auto is also a good game series for the man in your life. It's a mixture of shooting, racing, and a bunch of other stuff I personally do not have a clue what is about. Sports games could also be a thing! So get a sneak peak at the guy's current collection and look into what is new on the marked.
Game console giftcards:
PSN (PS Network for PS3) and Xbox sell giftcards for their online stores. Some games are only sold on those stores that connect to the console, so a giftcard for there could be an idea.
There is also a game network on the PC called "Steam" that has games you can purchase and gift to people. But for that you need to set up an account, and then gift it to the person you want it to. Game consoles:
If you want to go all the way, you could go for a PS3, Xbox, Nintendo Wii and what else is out there. There is also handheld consoles, such as Nintende DS, PS Vita and Gameboy Advance.
NOTE! This could also be a gift for girls, but I put it in men to be really annoyingly generalising. (Not really)
Cologne/perfume is like games. Really personal and depends on what he likes. Look into his collection (if he has one) or if it's a husband/boyfriend you need one for, go for what YOU would like him to smell like. Or maybe just ask into what brands he likes. I personally like Ralph Lauren and Hugo Boss for men.
For Christmas, most shops who sell colognes and perfumes make gift sets with a deodorant and the cologne/perfume or body wash/lotion. So it could be worth looking into that.

It is a box with bunch of samples of fragrances for men AND he can get to pick out his favourite of them and get a full size.
In a time where men want to look good too, it could be good to give them some skin treatment, body care or hair care. Again, drug stores and departments stores do gift sets around Christmas time, so it's just looking into what they could need. I see gift sets for men with dry skin, acne, hair care for brittle and dry hair, shaving creams, aftershaves and what not! (Both of the pictures found on the Danish drugstore "Matas" website)

You would be surprised of how many strange, yet entertaining, things you can find on the internet. And any guy likes his toys. Here's some examples:

(12 port USB, Darth Vader molds, USB cup warmer, humping dog USB port, boob/bum mouse mat, iPhone helicopter - found on
Fun socks, a knitted scarf, gloves, anything for this season would do - if he's into it. The general thing with buying presents is to know them and try and guess what they would like. It's hard, I know! But if you know them well, you'll know when it's right. But here's some things I think every guy could make a use of:

(iPhone friendly gloves, Mr. Funny underwear, Family Guy socks and knitted scarf were found on
You could also customise a shirt or hoodie!

(Pssst, if you live in England is a really good website for this)
Is he the type of guy who always blast out music at every waken minute? (*cough* That's my brother) A great present would be anything that fits with his music taste.
- Is he just a listener? Get him some CDs from his favourite bands, I've also hear records are getting back!
- Is he a player (As in instrument player, I know what you thought there!)? Get him some gear for his guitar/bass/drums/flute/whatever instrument he plays. When I was on Odder, some of my friends gave a guy who was into guitar a pick puncher, it's pretty awesome! Or what about a Synthesizer? (Guitar pick presser found on and the Synthesizer found on )

You could also go with one of those guitar hero inspired games!
Do you know that guy who is always watching films and can all the titles of these random films no one has ever heard about? Or he just really like an evening spend with a film and some good food?
Get or make a "Film for two" card! And get some good snacks, and then you can find a day to stuff your faces while watching a film - OF HIS CHOICE!
Or get a bunch of films you think he'll like. If he's one of those who'll watch anything, this will be perfect. Nothing as good as a stack of random films!
Something fun for boys ;-)

Lightsaber for the Star Wars loving guy.
Beer opener ring.
Magnetic wristband for the handy man.
Star Wars molds! All found on
If you're totally lost, you cannot go wrong with a gift card to a store he likes. Some money to just spend on whatever along with a basket of some chocolate and some beer or whine, and he should be good!
Be sure to check out the two other parts in my little gift guide series ❅
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