I bought this bag from this eBay seller *CLICK*, but the store is currently out of stock.
It is a "pleather" (fake leather) material. When you first get it, the pleather smell is a bit overpowering. I just sprayed mine with some perfume and it's fine now. It took 12 days to arrive in Denmark, which is pretty good considering it come from Hong Kong.
The bag is maybe the size of a Harry Potter book. You can't stuff it with your purse essentials, but that's not what I got it for either. It can contain more than it looks like though. The strap it comes with is not long enough for me, so I cut some off from an old bag and glued on, it's works fine.
I would not wear it out in the rain, just in case the colour fades. It hasn't stained my clothes yet, but I have worn it out for two days now, and nothing has rubbed off to my jumper or trousers.
Also, when you get the bag out of the packaging and such, the ears are folded down. It's easy to make them stand up, just find two heavy objects and place them on the ears, with the fox facing a surface, like your desk or floor. After an hour they should stand up and not fold down.
Overall I'm really happy with this little foxie. And for £6.99 WITH free shipping, it's a good purchase. Could also be a cute Christmas present idea!
That was all I had to say about my little foxie! Have a nice day.
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