Christmas is the time for family, friends, love and...
Christmas shopping.
Christmas shopping.
We all know how frustrating Christmas shopping can be. You don't always get a list of things the person you're shopping for want, and you just sit there and spend the afternoon thinking "What do you want from me?!". Well, I'm here to help you! I've made three different posts. One for men, one for women, and one for both. This is the one dedicated for both, no matter gender or age (kinda) who deserves something special this Christmas!
- Books.
I wanted to put books in both the "Him" and "Her", but I thought I would just put it here. Books are a personal thing. You cannot really generalise books as much as anything else. So if you're really in doubt what to get man or a woman, find out what kinds of books they like!
- Board games!!!
For the social people you know, a board game may be fun? Or sing star! Or those dancing games for the game consoles. - Cameras.
I think this can be a fun gift to someone who likes to play around with cameras, or is just creative in general. The polaroid camera is from and if I remember right it doesn't include film. I adore polaroid, I've always wanted a wall covered in pictures from a polaroid camera, I can just never justify getting one. The Diana camera I just googled to get the picture, I'm not sure where to get it, but the photos it take are so nostalgic and whimsical. I have no knowledge of cameras, but I think it would make a cute gift. - Something fun, but useful.
Why do things have to be boring? They don't! Bring in the weird knick knacks!
A metal wallet, small and compact!
A clothes folder. I mean.. I know I'm shit at folding clothes.
A chain whine holder!
A phone charger that runs on solar cells.
Waterproof camera case
Self-stirring gravy thingy!
All found on - Personal gifts. (Ideal for LDR couples)
I've got a lot of requests to give ideas for what to get your love when you're far away from each other. This can also be used for just friends, but this I will mainly dedicate to LDR couples.
- 100 reasons why I love you booklet. It speaks for itself. Buy a little notebook and write down 100 reasons why you love the person. Could be more, could be less. It's cheap, but very thoughtful and the person who receives it knows you've put a lot of time into it. You can decorate the outside of the book and the pages. I made one for Sean last Christmas!
- A memory box. Print out pictures of you together (if you haven't met yet, pictures that remind you of the other person), sweets, small notes, things that reminds you of them.
- Something of yours. This may not appeal to everyone. But, you could give them something of yours. A piece of clothing, a teddy bear, a book where you've written notes in it for them. Sean left two of his hoddies at my place when he was here over Easter. One he let me keep permanently, which I've now made into a pillow. It meant so much to me, it was so comforting having his smell with me for a while. I took one of them with me to Berlin, which I went to short after he went home. And you can even send it back and forth. Spray it with your cologne/perfume for the other person, so they have your smell close to them.
- The hoodie/t-shirt pillow. Get a piece of clothing you can live without, sew/glue some buttons on the bottom and stuff it with a pillow. Spray with your perfume/cologne for extra goodness.
- A care package. A little "Here's some stuff so you can survive without me until I see you next" idea. Get a box, fill it with their favourite sweets, films, some comfy socks, maybe some new pyjamas, a blanket, a teddy and a picture of you.
- Matching t-shirts/hoodie. There are a bunch of websites that make personalised clothing, and you could make matching ones. Doesn't have to be "girlfriend" and "boyfriend" ones. Could just be with a picture of a character for your favourite game you play together, or a film you both like.
- Location art. Cut out the country/state you live in, and the place your love lives. Paint a canvas in their favourite colour and glue on the places. Put on a heart sticker/paint a heart on where about you live in the country/state and where they live and connect with some thread or paint. Write a cute note on or simple the day you started your relationship or first met or something else that is important to you two. - Gift baskets.
Some places do different gift baskets for Christmas. Those would be ideal if you're lost on what to get. You could of course "build" one yourself, get a bunch of stuff you think they will like, get a basket, put ribbons around and bam, a little gift basket is born!
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