Tuesday, August 20

Airports have seen more sincere kisses than wedding halls.

 People always say you should know how to manage alone. That you're always best on your own and you shouldn't depend on people. But I don't think most realise that some people aren't meant to be alone. They aren't meant to be their best by themselves. I'm one of those. I admire people who can feel comfortable on their own, but I have never and never will be one of those people. Living with severe anxiety and mild paranoia, being alone can have a really bad effect. But I try and cope for the time being.

It hasn't been a perfect summer, but it's been perfectly imperfect because Seanie could be by my side. He didn't mind I wasn't feel well 80% of the time. "It's okay. As long as I'm with you" would he always reply whenever I would apologise from us not doing much. That is love. As long as I'm with you, it's okay. But I won't be for probably 8 months. But I have to try and manage. Because I won't give up.

I never realised how much love hurts. But at a point in my life, I also thought I wasn't good enough to be loved.

I'll stop blabbering now. I have every right to be heart broken, but I think my Tumblr suffers enough so I'll keep this pretty clean. Take care, my dears.


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