Sunday, January 13

What I got for Christmas 2012 ♥

Sorry this is up a bit late. Whoopsie!

This is in no way of bragging. I am so thankful for my family thinking of me and taking the time and money to get me something. I personally LOVE to give presents, I've really tried to treat especially my mum this year, and I'm so thankful for all this.

 I love watching videos on Youtube of what other people have gotten, it inspires me to go and look in shops for this month in January sales, and it's just fun for me to watch, so I want to share what I got! I would have made a "What I gave for Christmas", but I forgot to take pictures when I had them, sooo.. That's out in the sink! But here I go!



And then there's the presents from the boyfriend!

The last present from Sean might seem a bit strange.. But it's a t-shirt that smells like him. Which also sounds weird. But you have no idea how much being able to smell him means to me. I opened the package, took it out, took a deep breath in.. And started to cry. Remembered all the cuddles and hugs, all the kisses and holding hands. The jokes, the conversations. Everything good with him. And it was the best present he could give me to be honest. It's been 6 months, you kind of forget what someone smells like. But I love the necklaces too <3

But any who... If anyone who gave me some of those lovely presents read this. Tusinde tak, I er alt alt aaalt for dejlige! And I hope everyone else had a lovely Christmas and a safe new year!

What did YOU get for Christmas?


  1. Årh, håber du kan lide Fame! Er slet ikke misundelig, nej <3 Købte den i London for nogle måneder tilbage og den er fabulous.
    Elsker også dine andre gaver.. Er virkelig misundelig arghh :( Men fine er de <3

  2. Fame er blevet min nye yndlings perfume!!! Den er sååååååå god! Dufter ikke fantastisk hvis man bare sprøjter den synes jeg, men når den er på min hud... Åh gud, kan slet ikke få nok! Er en heldig pige i år (eller sidste år er det nu!)

    Hvad fik du :-D?
