Sorting through your wardrobe:
- TAKE OUT EVERYTHING IN YOUR WARDROBE. This also gives you a perfect opportunity to deep clean your wardrobe.
- If you haven't worn it in the past year, donate it*
- Has it got nasty stains you have tried countless times to remove but it won't come off, toss it
- Does it fit the way you like, if not, donate it*
- Can you imagine it as a part of an entire outfit, if not, donate it*
- Sort out your socks and underwear, toss out stuff with holes in or things that are just not wearable any more
- Look at your shoes, have you worn them recently and will you wear them in the near future? Do you even like them any more? If not, toss the really disgusting and broken shoes, donate the rest*
- Reconsider the bags you have. Do you really need those 10 clutch bags you've only used once? Are they just taking up space? Do they work with your current wardrobe? If not, donate them*
- Jewellery. Jewellery is my personal soft spot and I have a hard time getting rid of it, but realistically I do not even wear half of what I have. Toss everything that's broken or tarnished (unless it's your great grandmother's old necklace or something like that, keep it safe in a little box) and things you just don't like or would wear any more goes to your donate* pile!
* Can also be given to friends and family. Another option is to clean up your items a bit and sell them online for a fair price! eBay, Depop and sites that are brilliant for selling things you don't want any more!
How to use your space efficiently and organisation:
- Velvet/felt and wire hangers are thinner than plastic or wooden ones, which means you'll have more space on your rack. Also, felt/velvet hangers prevent clothing from slipping off (which is handy if you're also plus size where your clothes tend of have bigger necklines)
- During the warmer months, fold jumpers and bulky clothing and put in storage bags/boxes and store somewhere else (could be under the bed or something like that) to make space for in-season clothing
- ^ can also apply for the colder months, put away clothes you wouldn't wear during autumn/winter
- If you have a lot of basic t-shirts/tops, roll them up and put in decorative boxes in your wardrobe. By rolling them up instead of folding you can fit more and they won't lay on top of each other so you can see what you have
- ^ can be used with jeans/leggings/skirts/shorts as well
- When hanging up clothing it could be an idea to section off your items. All dressy shirts together, all dresses together, all jumpers together. By organising like that, you don't have to search ages for that dress you thought of wearing last night
I hope this helped and inspired some of you to go through your wardrobe and do a clean out. Clean surroundings gives a clean mind! Or something like that.