Disclaimer: I am not bragging with the presents I got. If you cannot handle me showing off some bits, just click out, it's not that hard, there's an "x" on the tab. I like to look back on what I got, so it's mostly for myself to be honest. And I got some pretty sweet things if I say so myself.
This beautiful initials necklace from my brother. (M for Malle and S for Sean/Seanie) |
Two gorgeous crystal necklaces and the best book I've ever come across from Seanie! <3 |
My grandmother has this tradition with giving me something with an angel on every year for Christmas. This year wasn't any exception! It says "Our little angel. You've been a miracle since you were born. This angel will guide you with love through life. We love you!" |
My fantastic mother gave me my favourite perfume! She gave me one 2 years ago which I've barely used half of because it's so expensive and I've been scared to use it, but I think I can allow myself to use it a bit more now! |
Menu jewellery tree from my mum's best friend. I was so shocked to receive this, it's so beautiful and I think I screamed a tiny bit. You shouldn't have you lovely bum burp! |
A beautiful lamb fur from my cousins, aunt and uncle. It's so freaking soft, I sat and hugged it for like 10 minutes when I got it. |
My mum also got me one of these (I think she's going to get another one for me) candle holders! I really like it. I'll be trying and redo my room a bit again when I take down my Christmas decorations! |
I also got some money, gift cards and other bits and bobs. I was such a lucky girl this year, and I'm so thankful for everything I got and it was a very very lovely Christmas eve with my family.
Tomorrow is New Years eve, which I will spend alone because I want to. I don't like New Years Eve, I don' party, I don't drink, I don't like eating fancy food and slap on glitter on my face. So this year I'm at home, eating nuggets with my dog. But for everyone else, if you're going out, please be safe and drink responsibly! And the most important, just have fun and may you have a good start on 2014.
See you next year!
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